How to do a

Fly stitch

Fly stitch sample

Fly stitch is a versatile stitch that creates a V-shape on the fabric. There are many variations of the fly stitch and it is often used to create leaf designs, add texture, act as a filler or makes for pretty borders. 

The fly stitch is great for beginners since it is easy to learn the basic elements of the stitch and to then take it further by using a variation of it. 

With a little practice, you’ll be able to add the fly stitch to your embroidery repertoire and create beautiful designs.

Following along with the video below and you will master the fly stitch very quickly.

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Step 1:
Bring the needle up from the back of the fabric at the starting point for your stitch.

Step 2:
Push the needle down through the fabric about 2 stitch lengths away (to the right) from the starting point. Pull gently but be careful to leave a loop of thread on the surface of the fabric.

Step 3:
Bring the needle back up at where you want the bottom of the loop to be, at the inside of the loop.

Step 4:
Go over the loop with your needle and make a short stitch to anchor the V in place.

Step 5:
Once you have completed all your stitches, tie off the thread on the back of the fabric.

Let’s take a look at some of the variations of the fly stitch:

Closed fly stitch

Closed fly stitch

Plaited fly stitch

Plaited fly stitch

Whipped fly stitch

Filler fly stitch

Open filler fly stitch