How to

Buttonhole stitch

Buttonhole stitch

The buttonhole stitch is a variation of the basic blanket stitch.  It is used to hand stitch buttonholes and is an art form in itself.

It is labor intensive and takes time to get it perfectly done, but you will never look at a buttonhole the same after you have mastered this stitch.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 3
This stitch is often mistaken for the blanket stitch but it is not the same although they look similar at first glance.  The stitches are placed right next to each other and the thread is wound around the needle to create a knot at the edge.

Have a look at my short video demonstration below to learn how to make the buttonhole stitch.

If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here to watch it on Youtube.

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Step by step

Follow along and you will very soon be able to do the buttonhole stitch.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 1

Draw two lines with a pencil about a stitch length apart. 

Bring your needle up from the back of the fabric, where you want to start your stitch.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 2

Insert the tip of the needle back into the fabric, right next to where you started the stitch. 

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 3

Bring the needle up where the second pencil line is.  Keep the needle in the fabric and wind the floss around the needle (behind the needle) on the eye and tip side.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 4

Grab the needle at the tip end and pull it out gently.  There will be a loop  with the floss coming through it.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 5

Pull gently on the floss towards the top of the stitch (where the stitch started.)

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 6

A line of floss will form with a knot at the top.  This is your first buttonhole stitch.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 7

Insert the needle right next to where the first stitch started and repeat what you did to form the first stitch.

Buttonhole stitch tutorial 8

Make sure to place the stitches close to each other.  Keep on repeating until the line of stitches are done.

Blanket stitch


There are more than 20 different variations of the basic blanket stitch.  The picture links below lead to pages with demonstrations of some of them.

Blanket stitch
Blanket stitch
Blanket stitch on edge 6
Blanket stitch on an edge
Mirror blanket stitch 2
Mirror blanket stitch
Closed blanket stitch
Closed blanket stitch
Double blanket stitch 4
Double blanket stitch
Crossed blanket stitch link
Crossed blanket stitch
Rosette of thorns link
Rosette of thorns
How to barb stitch
Barb stitch
Background leaves