How to

Chain stitch

Chain stitch

On this page you will be able to learn how to chain stitch.  It is worth mastering as it is one of the basic embroidery stitches you surely will use at some time on your embroidery journey.

It is used to create texture and interest when making outlines and borders, lettering, filling larger areas, stems and vines and is also very well suited for whipping.

The basic chain stitch has many variations and has endless uses.  Try it out but remember, practice makes perfect!

Have a look at my short video demonstration below to learn how to chain stitch.

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Step by step

Follow along and you will very soon master the versatile chain stitch.

Handy tips

It is important to keep the length of the stitches even and consistent and to keep the thread tension loose.

If you are a beginner, consider making small dots on the fabric as a guide for where to start the next stitch.  A line of evenly spaced pencil dots will make things much easier until you are practiced enough to do this without struggle.

Chain stitch tutorial 1

 Start by threading your needle with embroidery floss. Knot the end of the floss.

Bring your needle up from the back of the fabric, where you want to start your stitch.

Chain stitch tutorial 2

Insert the needle back into the fabric into the same hole or right next to it.

Chain stitch tutorial 3

Gently pull until a small loop is left over.  Come up from the bottom about a stitch length away from where you started, inside the loop.


Chain stitch tutorial 4

Pull very gently until the first stitch loop is formed.  Be careful to keep the tension not too tight.  When pulled too tight the fabric will pucker.
Insert the needle back into the fabric into the same hole where you came up from.
Keep on repeating until you have a line of interlocking loop stitches.

Chain stitch tutorial 5

 To end, insert the needle back into the fabric to anchor the last loop in place.

Chain stitch tutorial 6

Tie the thread off at the back.

Blanket stitch


Blanket stitch on edge 6
Blanket stitch on an edge
Woven wheel stitch weave 6
Woven wheel stitch
Woven wheel stitch weave 6
Woven wheel stitch
Background leaves